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Hey! This sounds familiar…is that my song?! Music Business Readiness in the AI Age

Mirror Bar

Friday, October 18, 2024, 1:00 PM


Lori Fena, Co-Founder & Head of Business Development, Personal Digital Spaces

With copyrighted music readily accessible online, generative AI companies are disrupting the music value chain. How will musicians, rights holders and other industry stakeholders deal with the basic building blocks of the music business in the Age of AI and participate in this new value chain? This workshop will focus on the core pillars of IP strategy if we wish to foster trustworthy and sustainable AI ecosystems:

● Ownership
● Discovery
● Control
● Valuation
● Compensation
● Monitoring

Lori Fena

Lori Fena

Co-Founder & Head of Business Development, Personal Digital Spaces

Gregory Campanella

Gregory Campanella

Senior Managing Director, Ocean Tomo

Nils Vanderlip

Nils Vanderlip

Musician & Managing Partner, Harmonic Future Fund

Edward Zyszkowski

Edward Zyszkowski

Co-founder & CEO, Personal Digital Spaces

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